WQAD 8 Highlights Local Iowa Fish Store
We would like to thank our beloved customers for their support in this journey. Our passion is to bring the highest quality fish, corals...
Are Mantis Shrimps the Coolest Pets in the World?
Yes, obviously! Look how cool they are. Here is a peacock mantis, and a zebra mantis. They represent the two types of mantis shrimps:...
Frogfish are tiny fish aliens!
This gif was made from a video that I took back in 2013. At the time I had a female warty angler or frogfish (maculatus) and a red...
Ten Intriguing Reef Gifs & Clips
#1 Wonderpuss. Wow. My personal favorite, an incredible animal. #2 Clownfish lay eggs in fish system #3 A colorful pair of frogfish...
Rare ventralis anthias at Coral Haven
We are glad that we took a video of this amazing pair of rare and expensive ventralis anthias that we received last spring. The vibrant...
Fish stores in Iowa
Coral Haven Bettendorf Iowa www.coralhavenqc.com Address: 2371 Cumberland Square Dr Bettendorf, IA 52722 Phone: (563) 345-6781 Find Coral...
Zoa & Paly Frags at Coral Haven in the Quad Cities
We Love Zoa Frags! Do you love them too? There are so many colors to choose from, and it seems like new ones are found and imported every...
Lowest Coral Prices in the Quad Cities Area at Coral Haven
Looking for the best coral prices? We only do one thing here at Coral Haven, and that is to provide our customers with livestock and...