Are Mantis Shrimps the Coolest Pets in the World?
Yes, obviously! Look how cool they are. Here is a peacock mantis, and a zebra mantis. They represent the two types of mantis shrimps:...
Frogfish are tiny fish aliens!
This gif was made from a video that I took back in 2013. At the time I had a female warty angler or frogfish (maculatus) and a red...
Ten Intriguing Reef Gifs & Clips
#1 Wonderpuss. Wow. My personal favorite, an incredible animal. #2 Clownfish lay eggs in fish system #3 A colorful pair of frogfish...
Rare ventralis anthias at Coral Haven
We are glad that we took a video of this amazing pair of rare and expensive ventralis anthias that we received last spring. The vibrant...
Fish stores in Iowa
Coral Haven Bettendorf Iowa Address: 2371 Cumberland Square Dr Bettendorf, IA 52722 Phone: (563) 345-6781 Find Coral...